Excellent Etiquette
In Person and Online Classes
Why Etiquette Training?
Etiquette is Modern and Etiquette is Essential. Today’s parents and schools are recognizing the need to train children in these life skills, which otherwise are becoming lost in the day-to-day of work, school and activities. Businesses are rapidly adding business etiquette and protocol training to their human resources activities. And, more and more colleges are now adding manners training and business etiquette as class selections.
MusicMakers began offering Excellent Etiquette classes to its roster of classes in 2009, following a surge of requests from parents. We have always trained our students in etiquette — specifically concert etiquette, recital etiquette, and etiquette in peer-coaching. It seemed the natural next step to include general etiquette! Now over a decade later we have developed several different Excellent Etiquette classes!
Paula Penna has undergone extensive protocol training (and continues to do so), in order to expand these offerings into the larger arena of life. She trains other instructors on the Excellent Etiquette model so that more and more students across the country have the benefit of this type of life-skills training!

This is NOT your grandma’s etiquette class!
Excellent Etiquette™ is a modern etiquette and social skills program we developed for today’s families and their needs. DFW Magazine explains, “Beyond distingushing a salad fork from a shrimp fork, your kiddo will learn how to address conflict with composure, express opinions with confidence, and, most important, treat others and themselves with respect.”
Children who have good manners are more likeable, comfortable and confident. But, often, children need to hear from a third party that manners matter in order to start practicing them. Excellent Etiquette™ teaches and reinforces the manners and social skills your children need to succeed socially and, later, professionally. Your children will learn important skills that help them to be poised, polished and polite whether they are interacting online or in-person.
This class includes fun activities that keep kids engaged every step of the way:
- Why manners matter
- The importance of courtesy and respect
- Introductions and handshakes
- Conversation skills
- Table manners
- Dining etiquette
- Gift giving and receiving
Class is offered in these formats:
- one day (2 hours) workshop online during the pandemic, and in person when possible.
- summer camp program when we are able.
- Private classes
- Offsite classes for schools, scouts, and other organizations.

Excellent Etiquette™ for the Holidays is similar to our Excellent Etiquette class, but is geared towards the family holidays such as Thanksgiving Easter, Passover, Diwali, and Christmas.
We explore similar topics, but with an emphasis on dining etiquette, being helpful with setting up the family table, gift giving and receiving in a way that is respectful, and conversation skills that are so helpful to children communicating with the adults around them, as well as their siblings and peers.
This class fills up very quickly!
Class is offered in the same formats as in the regular class:
Class is offered in these formats:
- one day (2 hours) workshop online during the pandemic, and in person when possible.
- summer camp program when we are able.
- Private classes
- Offsite classes for schools, scouts, and other organizations.

The Empowered Kid!
Ages 3-17
Statically, 75% of adults experience some sort of public speaking anxiety, and the overwhelming majority of them link this to negative childhood classroom experiences. The Kid Empowerment classes are meant to stop that trend before it even takes place, or to reverse that trend before it is too late.
We create the perfect environment where kids “learn by doing” in fun, positive ways that establishes a desire to take leadership opportunities and have their ideas and voices heard by others.
We do this by creating and practicing Presentation Skills that are fun, such as making a tv commercial or selling a “product” in a simulated “shark tank” for kids.
Children learn
- Articulation
- Eye Contact
- Vocal Clarity
- Vocal Projection
- Enthusiastic Delivery
- Body Language Techniques
Classes are offered in 3 separate age groups:
- Elementary ages 6-9
- Tweens ages 10-13
- Teens ages 14-17
Classes are offered online during the pandemic and will continue after, as we allow children to join from all over the USA!

Dude, That’s Rude!
Ages 5-13
Based on the epic book, “Dude, That’s Rude” by Pamela Espeland, Elizabeth Verdick, this class is a master class in behavior to help kids excel in school, at home, and in social settings.
From the book, “Kids today need manners more than ever, and Dude, That’s Rude! makes it fun and easy to get some. Full-color cartoons and kid-friendly text teach the basics of polite behavior in all kinds of situations-at home, at school, in the bathroom, on the phone, at the mall, and more. Kids learn Power Words to use and P.U. Words to avoid, why their family deserves their best manners, and the essentials of e-tiquette (politeness online). It seems like light reading, but it’s serious stuff: Manners for kids are major social skills, and this book gives them a great start.”
Classes are offered in 2 different age groups:
- Ages 5-9
- Ages 10-13
Classes are offered online during the pandemic and will continue after, as we allow children to join from all over the USA!

Excellent Net-iquette
Ages 10-18
The internet is a great tool for gaining information, but is also a sometimes dangerous virtual reality that kids find themselves in harms way. Yet, kids younger and younger have access to smart phones, tablets, and computers and it is extremely difficult for parents to keep up with their online activities.
This class is designed for tweens and teens to learn how to keep safe online. As such, parents are also invited into the class either for the whole class, or for a special parent segment within the class.
We also tackle the etiquette of holding respectful conversations online on social media, texting, and in emails where we cover those communication skills.
Children and teens are in a difficult situation these days on social media – TikTok challenges that are dangerous at times, online bullying, and negative self images due to the visuals they encounter on “influencer” sites as well as their friends’ sites. We help them to take back their own power and learn how to stay safe and get the most out of the online environment so it doesn’t get the best of them!
Classes are offered online and in person when we can.

Business Etiquette
High School and College Students
In business, as in life, relationships mean everything. We provide the practical skills necessary to create and maintain these relationships, present yourself in the best light, and keep the doors open!
We provide Business Etiquette to high schools, colleges, and business entities that would like to enhance their people’s success through honing these life skills.
For high school students, this course is extremely helpful to prepare for college interviews, tours, and auditions in the arts.
We train your students or staff on the following:
- Public speaking skills
- Vocal projection, inflection, and diction
- Staying on task and in the moment
- Eye contact
- Body language
- Respectful responses
- Getting rid of emotional triggers when communicating
- Online business skills such as written communication
Who Takes Our Courses?

Scouts Organizations

