Finding Your Body’s God Center

When you came into this world, you were fully connected to your breath.  You took deep breaths, unencumbered by critical thoughts, conscious or unconscious memories, or fears. You just breathed naturally.  You were in the flow of life. 

When you came into this world, you were fully connected to your diaphragm.  Laying down, you would breath “into your belly” and your shoulders would stay down.  You felt a 360 degree circular, horizontal breath expand your rib cage and solar plexus with every breath.  You were deeply in the rhythm of your life, not worrying about the next moment – you were grounded. 

When you came into this world, you were fully connected to God/The Universe/The Divine Consciousness within you and all around you.  You could not verbalize it with words, conversations, commands or demands – but you felt it.  When you were born, you innately understood all, and at the same time knew nothing. You were in your soul, when ego had not yet taken over. You’ve been a human being since birth; you later became a human “doing.”

When you were born, you were naturally, beautifully connected with all that is, and all that ever was, in the seat of your soul.  You were breathing through your diaphragm – your God Center.  

What is the God Center?

Gaskell’s Dictionary of Scripture and Myth defines “breath” as:

A symbol of the mental interpretation of Spirit, or the expression of the Divine on the mental plane.

What is the God Center

Your God Center is your diaphragm. Your diaphragm is a dome-shaped, membranous muscle that separates your lower torso from your upper torso.  When you breathe in, the diaphragm goes down, enabling the lungs to inflate with air.  When you breathe out, the diaphragm goes back up.  In the ancient language, Sanskrit, the word for Breath was the same word for Life Force and Sea of Energy.  In yoga and meditation practices, Prana (life force and sea of energy) is energetically supplied throughout the body through diaphragmatically breathing.  

Breathing diaphragmatically is the most natural state of being that you can ever have. However, I find that the majority of people do not breathe diaphragmatically, instead they breathe unconsciously with shallow breaths, rarely giving the lungs the chance to fully expand.  They are disconnected from their God Center.

When we are disconnected from our God Center we are also disconnected from our true selves, others, and the divine consciousness that is all around us.  When we are disconnected, our ego takes over much more easily and we Edge God Out (E.G.O.).  This leaves us living from fear-based thinking rather than love-based thinking.  No wonder anxiety, depression and just plain apathy is so prevalent in our society.  We have mostly become a disconnected bunch of human doings rather than human beings.

We all come into this present incarnation with lessons to learn, something to give to the world, and the ability to leave the world with our positive, expanding legacy after our body dies.  However, most people have forgotten this, and have lost or given up their power to the Ego.  I assist my clients with reconnecting this innate mechanism so that they can experience great joy, blossom into the person they are supposed to be in this life, so they can operate from Love or above. 

What is Love or Above Love?  

You have seven main energy systems in your body. Some call these Chakras.  Your lower body consists of the root, sacral, and solar plexus energy centers.  Your fears, survival emotions, traumas, violations are all stored in your lower three chakras, which stop the natural Prana from flowing up and down your spine the way it is designed. Your heart energy center is above the solar plexus, and has the ability to radiate your loving energy for miles around your circumference easily and effortlessly.  Your diaphragm sits at the space between your survival emotion energy centers, and your heart. Below your diaphragm is fear, above your diaphragm is Love.   

What is above Love?  Above love is your throat chakra.  Many people who are disconnected from their diaphragm/God Center do not have a voice.  It is quite common to lose your voice through the people and events that have shaped your feelings and thoughts.  I’ve found it very common for these people to have thyroid issues, continuous bouts of asthma, reflux,  throat infections, or sore throats. They have attracted the physical dysfunction that their energetic dysfunction has caused. When you are disconnected from your God Center, your energy is not flowing and you are quite literally stuck in fear, guilt, shame – in other words, your own Hell here on earth, because you are living your bad experiences over and over and over again. 

Above your throat energy center is your third eye/pineal gland, and above that is your crown center – that which connects you to the entire universe and the collective consciousness.  Everyone is capable of this connection, this synergy, this energy flow.  With it, you can achieve anything you want to achieve; without it, you’re basically stuck in Groundhog Day. 

On Dr. David Hawkins’ calibration scales, the bottom of the triangle’s point is fear, shame, guilt.  At the top is enlightenment.  It is interesting that Dr. Hawkins’ calibration scale can be superimposed on to the human body – fear, shame, guilt reside in the lower chakras where as enlightenment is in the upper – Above Love.  Your diaphragm, therefore, is a powerful tool that most people completely overlook.  

I assist people to break through to their next levels of business and relationships by helping them reconnect to their birthright – their diaphragm. Through this and voice coaching, you will more effectively get what you want out of your life.  By breathing consciously, my clients are able to move their lives forward from a powerful place, and live the life they had only dreamed of in the past.  I offer a free 30 minute coaching session with anyone who is committed to moving their life forward.  If you would like a free 30 minute coaching session with me, please send me an email at  

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