How To Get Everything You Want….Even the Stuff You Didn’t Realize You Wanted…

What’s really going on here when we self sabotage on goals that are important to us? Let’s unpack this a bit:

  1. Announce Clear goals – not just “ I want to lose x amount of weight” or “I want to make more money” or “I want to find my soulmate.” Ask Yourself about your pain, and how to alleviate it: “What changes in my life as a result of me reaching my goal/getting what I want?” Visualization – what will my life feel like, who can I serve better, etc. Hands on: Create a vision board, write out your goals often, keep a journal,etc
  2. Be a Leader- people feel good when they help take care of other people. Simon Sinek sats, “We feel good when we look after other people, that’s not an accident” (from Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek). We are all designed to be leaders. We create oxytocin when we look after each other – when we give something (like supporting someone with kind words) creates more Oxytocin – the human body’s attempt to get us to look after each other better. We are literally designed to help others.
  3. Watch your environment: You are the product of the 5 people you have spent the most time with. What was your family of origin like? Who do you hang with the most now? Are they complainers or Doers? Be selective about who you surround yourself with. When we live in an environment of poorly led organizations (families, too) then we secrete cortisol, and it inhibits Oxytocin. This affects our immune system. Happy people are healthier people. When you are in a position of leadership, you are medically in an important role of taking care of people’s lives, OR your killing them. Think about it!
  4. Share with Others: If you want to reach your goals and STAY at your goals, share your goals with other people: help them do #1, 2, and 3 (Announce their clear goal, be a leader to them, and provide a healthy environment). By sharing with others (Buddy Up), you’re more likely to remember your own goals, reach them, and stay there. You’ve created a new world for yourself, and you’re guiding your friends to do the same thing. Happier people.
  5. Watch your Words/Be Mindful: Your words are your law. “I am that I am@- remember your power, and every word is a declaration. What words often follow your own “I am” statement? Is it “I am poor, I am fat, I am a loser”? Or “I am a Producer, I am beautiful, I am happy”? Don’t talk down on yourself, or get on your own case if you eat something “bad” or miss a goal or fall off the wagon of your goals – it’s HUMAN. Be a Human BEING not a human DOING. BE kind to yourself, BE compassionate to yourself. There is a mind body connection where we will attract the people, places, and situations to fulfill a familiar neuro-chemical response that we’ve experienced in the past. Action step: A good way to watch your self criticism is to carry a notebook with you and write down every bad thing you think or say about yourself, any time you’re feeling anxiety, etc. You’ll catch yourself more. Book: Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself (Dr. Joe Dispenza). Healthy Mind and Body
  6. Take Action: Big changes come from taking massive action. Stay active in your positive business or health groups, join a club, start a club! Stay in contact with your mentors at least every other day. Don’t hide- get out there and BLOSSOM!

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