Going from Fear to Love – Take Back the Wheel of Your Life….

****NEW! Click on this link for the musical selection to accompany this blog article https://www.tristanluke.com/emily

What I’ve found is, the worst part of fear is the expectation of it. And, what we resist, persists.
I used to avoid the hurts, the pain, by analyzing the crap out of it (being in your head is much less painful than being in your heart, when there’s hurt involved) and using other avoidance behaviors such as putting myself in groups of people, or being everyone’s shoulder to lean on. Those are all avoidance techniques, which I now recognize and have for some time now.
What I can tell you, if you’re on the cusp of this realization, is that there is peace and wide-open beautiful love of self and others on the sun shining side of the fear. When you Face Everything you WILL Rise.
You will see landscapes of your life you’ve never before seen.You will have so much openness to love, you’ll surprise yourself to the point of giggling out loud.
Best of all, you’ll attract the right people and situations into your life effortlessly, and they will be high vibe people like yourself because you Manifested them, you vibrated them right into your life at just the right time! Synchronicities abound, and you’ll know they manifested you, too.
The awe of it is astonishing! And, at that point, you just start to get a little bitty inkling of the TRUE power you really have had inside you all along. Then, you know you’ll never again be that fearful, resistant person you once were because, why would you ever go back into the darkness when you know you have zero need for it any longer.
Enjoy the sun – its beautiful out EVERY day.

If you keep saying you’re “Tired of Adulting” think about this – as an Adult, you get to grow yourself back up the way you want to, you get to make your decisions. YOU get to take back the wheel of your life. Grab it!

I’m starting to add more and more music to this blog, and to my life, since I am (after all) a musician and music is my soul vibe. I’m featuring music from a very special, high-vibe soul named Tristan Luke in this incarnation, but seriously he is Superman in many other lifetimes, this I am sure of. You’ll love his music – Emily Takes the Wheel is what I would call “Relaxed Intensity” music – music that is exhilarating but peacefully calming at the same time. This is the perfect song to listen to while you read this blog article. Please “Like” the song, and share. Thanks!


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