The Universe is Not Codependent…

Blossom Your Sparkly Self

I made this my intention in 2018. As a result, 2019 has been AHMazing!

Find your ridiculous awesomeness, and never try to be something you’re not. You’re already perfect the way you are.

If there’s something you want to change, then set the intention, commit to it, and take committed action towards that intention. The Universe hears you, but she sure is not going to do it for you. “So How DO I GET THERE, Paula?”

Sparkly Supernova Breath Exercise

This is my version of the Breath of Fire. Also known as “Kapalbhati” Breath Of Fire is a Kundalini Pranayama (sea of energy flowing) breath technique with a myriad of health and spiritual benefits. However – BEWARE – this is NOT to be entered into lightly. This is a technique to build up over time.


Pregnant moms, people with high blood pressure/heart issues, people with issues of Vertigo or inner ear infections, people who experience fainting spells, and anyone who is currently ill with a head or chest cold, flu, or other infectious disease.


Reduces Anxiety/Induces Calm: This practice will help to cleanse the lungs and strengthen the diaphragm, so you can develop deeper diaphragmatic breathing and get more calming oxygen flowing through your body!

Faciilitates Detox: It Because the oxygen is flowing more through the blood, you’ll increase your circululation which in term helps to get rid of toxins.

Clears the Solar Plexus: The Solar Plexus (the seat of the diaphragm, in fact) can become very “dirty” from past traumas, disappointments, fears, and other events that negatively affected you. The Solar Plexus is one of the three “Survival Emotion” chakras where negative energy tends to get stuck. This breath practice, done over time, will help clear the Solar Plexus, remove the stuck energy, and allow you to come into your true, authentic, sparkly divine self!

Increase Brain Focus/Reduce Brain Fog:  This practice will invigorate your mind, invigorate the brain, and therefore reduce brain fog. . It improves memory function, energy levels, and brain activity monumentally!


It is important to remember that it takes time to build up to the full practice of this exercise: Beginners should start with a short amount of time (30 seconds is great), and at a slightly slower rate.

  1. Sit up tall, lengthening the space between your navel and your heart.
  2. Assume “Star Pose” –
  3. Breathe in and out through the nose and start to pull your abdomen in during the exhale, and press it out during the inhale. Imagine your belly fills up with air during the inhale and use your abdominal muscles to push the air out during the exhale.
  4. Start to shorten each breath and pick up the pace. The breathing should be loud and quick.
  5. Try to equalize the inhale and the exhale in both strength and length.
  6. When you’re done, always take some long, deep, smooth and connected “Legato” breaths (this is a musical term) at your regular pace, sitting down if you wish.
  7. If you feel tingly and sparkly – that’s totally normal! Have some water handy, as your throat may be dry.

After a while, you may do 2-3 sets of 30 seconds with a few smooth, long breaths in between. One day in the future, you will reach four minutes at a rate of four breaths per second.

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