Surrender. Receive. Love.

Surrender has been my daily Intention. It is not “hard” its just “different.” When we have difficult backgrounds of trauma, loss, rejection, fear, and poverty consciousness we build walls of protection. This is fear-based ego driven thinking.

The problem with walls is, they keep out the good as well as the bad. I seek to have no walls. I seek to be borderless within my soul. In no way do I want to inadvertently sabotage anything kind, good, sexy, loving, and high vibe from attracting into my energy field. If I stay in fear behind a big wall, all I attract is resistance, more fear, and more trauma.

Surrender is a process for me – a LOT has come up for me this month, as I allow my intention to permeate into the nooks and crannies of my psyche, dealing with whatever pops up.

The best way I’ve found to do this, and suggest this to my clients and friends, is to stay in childlike curiosity – observe what comes up, look at it innocently with no attachment, notice what it feels like, what your body tells you, how your breathing changes. All you need to know about what’s blocking you is in THAT space of awareness and consciousness.

You do not need to “do” anything – there is no recipe; just “be” with it, accept what comes up, stay curious about it, and let the energy pass through you like a wave in the ocean. Waves come in and recede, come in and recede, come in and recede – fighting them does not change this fact.

Fighting your own waves will not change YOUR facts, but will keep you stuck in that negativity cycle of fear, in your own fortress of fear. Instead, lean back and float, RECEIVE it – let the wave take you where it wants to, SURRENDER to the ebbs of flow, be one with it, and you will then come to a place of sweet LOVE of the wave as a beautiful part of you instead of something working against you.

Paula’s Wave Breathing Exercise for Surrender

  1. Sit yourself down in a comfortable chair, staying in the front half of the chair as best you can
  2. Face a window, a plant, anything organic in nature. If you have the option of facing a water source such as a lake, a river, the ocean, a waterfall, or even running water in your house, that’s a bonus (but not required)
  3. Find your diaphragm – follow your rib cage up to where it meets your breastbone/sternum. Press in here and you’ll feel a tight “Trampoline” type of tissue – I actually call this the “trampoline” in my coaching sessions.
  4. WIth two fingers on each hand, lightly touch the trampoline, close your eyes, and breathe into that space – imagine the trampoline expanding out horizontally in a 360 degree fashion.
  5. Breathe for a minute or so, observing this action, and monitoring your upper chest and shoulders to be sure they don’t move up in a shallow breath, but instead stay relaxed.
  6. Picture yourself on a wave – the most beautiful, benevolent wave – deep blues and purples and greens (these colors represent your heart chakra opening and your crown chakra connecting with the universe). Ride along the wave, while breathing into your diaphragm, feeling your body start to gently swoon with the wave however it wants, gently, gently, in love.
  7. When you feel in the groove of the wave, inhale deeply through your nose while moving your upper body forward from your waist, as if you are the wave coming into shore.
  8. As you reach the shore, start to exhale through your mouth slowly as you move your upper body backwards from your waist, riding the wave back into the sea
  9. Repeat steps 6-8 with no pause between inhale and exhale. Stay with this motion, the dance of the waves, until you feel relaxed and centered.
  10. Finish with some deep cleansing breaths in your normal cleanse cycle. Smile!

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