
How To Get Everything You Want….Even the Stuff You Didn’t Realize You Wanted…

What’s really going on here when we self sabotage on goals that are important to us? Let’s unpack this a bit: Announce Clear goals – not just “ I want to lose x amount of weight” or “I want to make more money” or “I want to find my soulmate.” Ask Yourself about your pain, …

How To Get Everything You Want….Even the Stuff You Didn’t Realize You Wanted… Read More »

The Importance Of Breath Work: Creating Congruent Breath Energy

We get up every day, breathing – we don’t have to think about it, we just take for granted that we can feel the beat of our heart, and the consistent feeling of an inhale and exhale, inhale and exhale – over and over again.  Older children and adults, when resting, usually breathe about 12-20 times per minute. …

The Importance Of Breath Work: Creating Congruent Breath Energy Read More »

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